Million Dollar Round Table

Tim Allen is a member of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT®), a global, independent association of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500 companies in 72 nations and territories. Founded in 1927, MDRT® members have demonstrated exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct, and outstanding client service. MDRT® membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business.

Members utilize career-shaping resources to better communicate and serve clients, opportunities to broaden professional development, and new and unique insights and strategies to better serve each client’s individual needs. But MDRT® also helps develop Emotional Intelligence, caring for beneficiaries beyond insurance and financial issues. Working with an MDRT® member connects clients to a highly credible and leading advisor who works to bring balance in the family, health, education, career, service, financial and spiritual aspects of their lives. For more information, please get in touch with Mr. Allen, visit and follow them on X.

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